Why live happy? Why not!!

Seriously....why not have happiness every day?! Of course...there will always be struggles...they are definitely real, but why not find happiness in the every-day even among the struggles?

But...why should you listen to me? Well......good question....

I grew up one of those annoying, hyper, noisy, nosy people...and I kinda still am :) I was happy and smiley so often that when I had a plain face on, my friends would ask me "what's wrong?"...Now, I'm definitely not as hyper as I used to be...especially now that I am pregnant. Can anyone say, exhausted much?!! Goodness...lol. BUT...I still have the extreme sense of optimism that I have always had.

I believe with all of my heart that we are all blessed with natural personality traits, and something to give in this world to others. One of mine just happens to be this overly annoying optimistic viewpoint! I believe that it is because of this that some people have called me "nosy" growing up, when really I am just overly curious and love learning about other people and helping them with their problems...and to be as happy as they can!

Sometimes, we get stuck in a rut...and I have done this as well.


About 6 years ago, I was in love with an amazing guy! Seriously...he was gorgeous! 6'2"...dimples and freckles...and just handsome as ever! I had been doing some online dating and met him and we had hit it off immediately after meeting in person. I was living in Boise, ID and he was in San Angelo, TX in the military at Goodfellow Airforce base. We dated from a distance for a few months and then decided that I would move to TX to live closer so we could really date!

I moved there...and moved back home...only 10 days later. Without giving that sad details, it just didn't work. I was financially in a bad place from spending all my money on travel and an emotional wreck. Little did I know this would lead to a very bad place for me.

Only a few months later I was living in Sun Valley, ID...so that I could snowboard for free  - which is one of those things in this life that just makes me happy! I was working for the company so I got a free pass to the mountain. But, on the side...I was making very poor choices. I was kissing guys I didn't like and using them for attention, but completely numb inside. I was behind on all of my bills and not caring about the collection calls that I was getting every day.

Not only was I feeling this way, but my one way to relieve stress and feel happy was taken from me when on my 8th day on the mountain that season, I tore my ACL. It seemed that nothing was going right...

Months later...I moved to SLC, Utah. Both of my brothers lived there and I hadn't spent a lot of time with them so wanted the chance to do so. I found a great job at a chiropractic office and a  nice apartment just down the road. But...something was still off...I had many failed relationships and just never felt as though I was good enough. I had so many negative thoughts about myself...I saw all of the parts of my personality that I just didn't like and I thought no one ever wanted me around. One day...after realizing that something was off with my thoughts...I called my mom. "I think I'm depressed"...I told her. "I know"....she said. I was surprised that she was so aware...but then...my mother is a smart cookie.

I went to three counseling sessions and during that time decided to spend less time with others and more time with myself. I signed up for personal training sessions at my local gym, learned to bake and cook and put more energy into changing my thoughts to being positive instead of negative.

What helped me the most was a breakthrough massage therapy technique called Structural Integration. My work friend, Tess, suggested I try it. It is an extreme type of deep tissue massage focused on re-aligning the ligaments to improve posture through massage. Because of the extreme pain and depth of this massage, it also releases held in emotions that we keep inside over the years. It is so invasive that there is almost no way to not be emotionally affected. After these 10 sessions...I had released emotions that had been held in for years...sadness, anger and frustration. And it taught me something....feeling and expressing emotion is the best type of therapy ever!

So...by doing all of these things, I learned to be happy again. I found my sanity and also realized my true identity.


I know that it is possible to be happy and content with our lives! I have so many experiences to share with you...I can't wait :) I am working on a book and will be putting sneak peeks of it here as it progresses!

For now...tell me...what makes you happy??? I want to hear it!!

Love always, 


  1. I seriously love your blog! You are so real and honest! I remember you moving to Texas, I remember Sun Valley, I most of all remember Salt Lake. I met up with you a few times and it made me feel like I had friends when I hardly knew anyone in Utah! As for your request, I am most happy when I am with my husband. He is someone that knows me inside and out and still loves me. We can have fun together but also he has been with me thru some tough times and is a great comforter and shoulder to cry on. I am very happy to be with him! -Mari

    1. Mari! I just love you! You are a wonderful friend and I am happy you are in my life! I love that your husband brings you such happiness and you deserve all that he gives you. Thank you for being there for me and for always being "there". That is what makes me happy about you! Your strength is a shining example to me...more than you know.


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