
Showing posts from 2018

When Emotional Intelligence Is Hard

Lately, life has been busy. You know…life of a family with little ones…full-time working Mom and more than full-time working Dad. Having fun and going swimming on weekends and some evenings. Enjoying the warm weather and trying to fit as much in as we can during the times we are together as a whole family. A while ago I didn’t pass the English certification test that I needed to become a teacher. Time has gone by and I’ve found it very difficult to motivate myself again to study to re-take it. I knew if I just started studying, I would get in a groove again and be able to continue. But I kept putting it off! Then, I found time to study…but it was overwhelming. There is SO much to know for this test! Literature, 17 pages of TITLES of literature, mind you. Not only knowing the basic plot and summary of each piece of literature, but the history of what was going on in society at the time, who the author is and their background, parts of grammar/etc. It’s just…it’s a lot. So, I would stud

Marriage 101 - The Hard Knocks

Marriage isn’t easy! These are the hard knocks that I’ve come across, and the things I do to make everything easier. I’ve decided to start blogging more regularly…whether for my own mental health or just to share any *pretend* wisdom I might have. Ha! I enjoy writing, so this is a wonderful outlet for me to practice my writing, think about writing a book (which I’ve always dreamed of doing), focus on emotional intelligence and seek to improve my own personal relationships as well. So, I have been married to my husband for 4 years this month…(yay us!)…and it definitely hasn’t all been happiness and romantic gestures. He is a police officer and in the military and I work full-time as well. Life is good, busy, stressful and awesome. Mostly stressful and awesome…but also hard sometimes! My husband and I both have very strong personalities…like…STRONG. We got in more than one *small* (Ok, sometimes huge) argument while we were dating, so I knew the relationship would always be a bit