
Showing posts from September, 2020

Let Me Cry

My son left on Monday for his first day at his actual school (Covid!)...I was sad. The old me subconsciously wanted to just go and stay busy so that I didn't think about him and miss him...and the me that knows MUCH better from my past experiences kept telling myself to let it out! Just cry if you miss one will care, and then you'll feel better and be able to get things done.  Why do we do this?? Even after learning how important it is to "let it out"..."cry it out"...or whatever you want to call it...why do we allow ourselves to do this? on...without ACTUALLY moving on? It still blows my mind that after my breakdown years ago because of this EXACT thing, I still fight with my old self.  Letting those feelings out is the most important thing we can do for our mental health and even our physical health! For myself, I've found I sleep better, have happier relationships, and my joints even ache less when I am allowi